Sunday, 28 October 2007


I am not normally someone who is troubled by other people's views but I do like to know what people are thinking about the Clan Cameron and its Association. I have been off at a Conference from Friday until Sunday and so there is a gap in my blogging. However, when I logged on again I found that there was no response to any of the pieces I had posted - apart from the two comments I had put in myself to try to generate a debate. Perhaps the topics are not open-ended enough or not interesting or perhaps there is some barrier to responding. I don't know but I would like to think that we could generate some kind of dialogue. Whatever, I would like to hear from you as I am aware that the site does have a considerable number of hits.



Anonymous said...


I'd like to hear the opinions of Gaelic speakers on why the Scottish nation has allowed Gaelic to almost disappear from our culture. I live in Paraguay where the native language, Guarani, enjoys official language status and is spoken by the majority of the population. Keeping the language alive is a matter of pride for Paraguayans and classes in Guarani are now obligatory for all school pupils. Could we learn something from this small South American country about pride and respect for our own culture?

OldTarge said...

It is not that the Scots nation allowed Gaelic to diminish,more that pressure was applied both in physical and economic ways to suppress many of the ways of Highland life.It is now payback time and encouraging to see that the present Scottish administration are taking things seriously and attempting to redress the situation.