Wednesday 29 October 2008


You may recall that we had a short debate about the wearing of white kilt stockings. I think I made clear my opposition to such garments without wishing to offend anybody's sensitivities. I recall once wearing my green stockings (which toned with my Cameron kilt) when singing with the local choir at the Mod. I was taken to task by a young German lady who pointed to the fact that all the other men in the choir were wearing white stockings. I assured her that they were wrong and that these white stockings were a modern fashion perhaps borne by the kilt hiring firms in an attempt to have a neutral colour which would not clash with any tartan.

In a recent event in Bergues, Northern France to celebrate the 260th anniversary of "The Gentle Lochiel" by unveiling a plaque, one of our group - Julian Hutchings ceremoniously threw into an open fire a pair of white stockings to symbolise the opposition which his late friend David Lumsden of Cushnie had towards the offending white stockings. What do you think? I have posted a photograph of the open fire into which the stockings were cast.